Advise Financial

Hourly Financial Planner
Las ventajas de pagar servicios por hora de asesoría financiera
12 de July de 2024
The benefits of using an Hourly Financial Planner for a specifics needs
12 de July de 2024
Hourly Financial Planner
Las ventajas de pagar servicios por hora de asesoría financiera
12 de July de 2024
The benefits of using an Hourly Financial Planner for a specifics needs
12 de July de 2024

When should I start with my retirement planning?

Retirement is a crucial stage in a person’s life that marks the end of their working life and the beginning of a new chapter full of possibilities. It is when you can enjoy free time to pursue passions and hobbies, travel, spend time with family and friends, or relax and unwind. This stage offers the opportunity to enjoy a higher quality of life, strengthen relationships, contribute to the community, and stimulate the economy.


Proper retirement planning ensures a secure, prosperous, and fulfilling future. We will explore the key factors to consider at each stage of your journey. We will debunk the myth that starting late means giving up on your retirement dreams.


In addition, we will provide practical steps explicitly designed for those approaching retirement in their 50s and 60s.



1- The first question many people ask is: When is the best time to start planning for retirement?


And the truth is, the best time to start planning for retirement is as early as possible. Ideally, it would help to start thinking about retirement as soon as you start working. This doesn’t necessarily mean setting aside a large portion of your income immediately, but familiarizing yourself with retirement planning concepts and setting some initial goals is a significant first step.

Even if you’re a late starter and haven’t started saving yet, don’t despair!


It’s never too late to get started. The key is to act as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less time your money has to grow, but even late contributions can make a big difference in your retirement security.


There’s no magic one-size-fits-all answer to when exactly you should start planning for retirement. However, some life events can serve as a wake-up call to get serious about your future. Getting married, having children, or getting a raise are all opportune times to assess your financial situation and adjust your retirement savings plan accordingly. This flexibility puts you in control of your retirement journey.


Remember, the best time to start planning for retirement is now. This proactive approach will set you on the path to a secure and fulfilling future.

Planificación financiera


2- Are you over 50 and considering retirement planning? It’s never too late!


Even if you’re approaching retirement at age 50 or 60, there’s plenty of time to make a positive impact. Here are a few reasons why it’s a good time to get started:


  • Catch-up contributions: The IRS allows higher contribution limits to IRAs and employer-sponsored plans for people age 50 and older. Take advantage of this to accelerate your savings.


  • Clarity in goals: By setting specific, measurable goals, you can visualize what you want your life to look like after work. With more life experience, you may have a clearer idea of the lifestyle you want for your retirement, allowing you to do focused planning. Also, with clear goals, you can estimate how much money you’ll need to save to fund your desired lifestyle in retirement. This helps you create a realistic budget and savings strategy. By keeping your goals in mind, you can make more informed financial decisions that help you achieve them. For example, cutting back on unnecessary expenses.


  • Shorter time frame: Knowing your approximate retirement time frame allows you to make adjustments and investments with potentially greater risk tolerance for growth in the near future.


Financial Planning


3- Maybe some help can be helpful


It’s important to seek help, especially when numerous factors can affect your path to your ideal retirement. That’s why we suggest seeking help if you don’t have a clear retirement plan in place.


  • Who can help you? Some Investment Advisors have the Certified Financial Planner certification, which qualifies them to provide retirement planning services. Additionally, these advisors must be fiduciaries and prioritize their clients’ best interests over their own.


  • Where can you find one? If you’re looking for these types of specialists, you can find them on the CFP website. They have a directory where you can view specialists and choose one you feel comfortable with. Additionally, on the NAPFA website, you can find several professionals with this certification who can help you.


Planificador financiero fiduciario


  • What should you consider? When considering financial planning services, it’s important to keep in mind that not all providers offer independent financial planning. Some include it as part of their asset management services. We recommend that you find a professional who can provide you with financial planning on an hourly basis or through a comprehensive financial planning package.


  • How much does a financial plan cost? A financial plan can cost around $2,250. Alternatively, an hourly planner can charge around $200 to $600 per hour, with the entire plan taking between 4 and 12 hours, depending on its complexity.


Retirement Planning


4- Take Action Now: Steps for People Age 50+ to Plan for Retirement


While retirement planning should ideally begin earlier, don’t worry if you’re approaching age 50 or 60. The good news is that you can still make significant progress! Below are some key actions to jumpstart your planning process and ensure a comfortable retirement.


  • Seek professional help: Consider a consultation with a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning for personalized guidance. They can create a customized plan that considers your risk tolerance, income sources, and retirement goals. They stay up to date on complex financial regulations and tax strategies to optimize your retirement income. They provide ongoing guidance and adjustments as your situation or market conditions change.


  • Review your current situation: Gather financial statements for Social Security, pensions, investments, and debt. Project your income from different sources after retirement. Create a realistic budget for the retirement lifestyle you desire.


Retirement Planning


  • Identify the gap: Calculate the difference between your estimated retirement income and projected expenses. This reveals the amount you need to save to close the gap.


  • Use retirement calculators: Several online tools can help you estimate savings needs and investment strategies based on your information.


  • Maximize contributions: Take advantage of catch-up contribution options for IRAs and employer-sponsored plans.


Retirement Planning


  • Reassess your investments: Consider a more conservative allocation to minimize risk as your retirement date approaches.


  • Pay down debt: Focus on eliminating high-interest debt to free up more income for savings.


  • Explore downsizing: Consider downsizing your home to a smaller space or a more affordable location. This can free up equity and reduce housing costs in retirement.


Retirement Planning


5- Some of the Most Important Topics for 50+ Before and During Retirement


As retirement approaches, it’s critical to solidify your plans in several key areas. This will ensure a smooth transition and a secure future. Let’s dive into the most important topics to focus on before and during retirement:


  • Financial Security: Review income sources and define your retirement budget. Evaluate your savings and investments, adjusting contributions or asset allocation if necessary. Develop a plan to eliminate or significantly reduce debt before retirement.


Financial planning


  • Health Care Planning: Research Medicare eligibility and explore supplemental insurance options. Consider long-term care needs and explore insurance options or create a plan to cover potential costs.


  • Lifestyle Planning: Decide on your desired retirement location and take into account the cost of living, proximity to loved ones, and desired amenities. Research the optimal time to claim Social Security benefits. Plan activities and hobbies to stay engaged and maintain a fulfilling lifestyle.


  • Legal and estate planning: Review and update your will, power of attorney documents, and beneficiary designations. Research the tax implications of retirement income and consider strategies to minimize your tax burden.


Retirement Planning


6- Understand your retirement goals and concerns:

Retirement is a major life transition. It’s natural to have concerns and questions. This section will help you identify your unique goals and any concerns you may have about retirement. By understanding your aspirations and potential challenges, you can create a customized plan that addresses your specific needs and desires. We’ll explore some of the most common concerns retirees face, along with strategies to effectively deal with them.


  • Financial security: That is, the condition of having sufficient financial resources to cover basic needs and maintain an acceptable standard of living for the rest of your life, even after you stop working.


  • Health care costs: Managing the rising cost of health care and potential long-term care needs.


  • Loss of Purpose and Identity: While for many, this period is associated with rest, travel, and free time to enjoy hobbies and passions, some retirees may experience a loss of purpose that can negatively impact their emotional and psychological well-being. Remember that retirement is a new stage full of possibilities. It is important to have a positive attitude and focus on the opportunities this new stage offers for personal growth, the realization of dreams, and the enjoyment of life. With a little effort and creativity, you can find a new sense of purpose in retirement and enjoy a stage full of satisfaction and well-being.


Retitrement planning


  • Health and Mobility Issues: Maintaining health and independence as we age.


  • Isolation and Loneliness: Staying connected to loved ones and preventing feelings of isolation.


  • Downsizing and Relocation: The stress of potentially moving to a new home or location.

By addressing these concerns and actively planning the lifestyle you want for your retirement, you will be able to navigate the transition smoothly and embrace a fulfilling next chapter.


And remember:

Not everyone needs a full-service financial advisor. If you have specific questions or need guidance on a particular aspect of retirement planning, consider exploring hourly financial planning services. These services allow you to pay hourly for individual consultations with a qualified advisor. This can be a more cost-effective approach compared to contracted advisors.




Which provides hourly financial planning services, meeting fiduciary and exclusive payment criteria. He has over 20 years of experience in the financial world and has been named among the Top 100 Financial Advisors in the US by Investopedia.

Note: The comments given in this guide are for educational purposes only. Before making a financial decision, you should consult with your financial advisor or conduct appropriate research. Remember that historical results are not a guarantee of future returns. This guide does not take into account tax impacts in the comments provided. Always consult your particular case with a specialist. We are not your financial advisor and remember that each case is different.

All rights to this guide are reserved, occasional mention of third-party brand names is made solely for educational and reference purposes, without any interest in financial gain. This information is for educational purposes only and does not represent an offer of products or services.

Alonso Rodríguez Segarra
Alonso Rodríguez Segarra
Founder & CEO Advise Financial Alonso Rodriguez Segarra is a “CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™” named by Investopedia among the Top 100 Financial Advisors in the USA  with more than 20 years of experience. His specialty is helping those people who want to plan for their retirement or optimize their retirement, with Hourly Financial Planning always looking for the best for his clients, under fiduciary criteria.

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