Want to improve your business productivity
with a novel benefit for your team?
Financial Planning
It's your solution

1 out of 3 businesses struggle to retain their employees.


Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Advise Financial Planning Empowerment for

Your Team


Is the solution that allows you to offer your employees a personalized and tailored financial plan to improve their finances. 

80% of employees who report satisfaction with their benefits also express job satisfaction.

(Source: Metlife)


The majority of workers indicate that they quit their previous job because the new job gives them more benefits.

(Source: Pewsearch)


Financial stress is the top productivity disruptor for 4 out of 5 American workers.

(Source: Fidelity)


A solution for your worker's primary concern:


84% of employees have shown a keen interest in receiving assistance with their financial wellness.

(Source: Metlife)


As an innovative benefit, the solution is to offer your employees the possibility of having a Financial Plan made by a group of financial specialists.


A budget-friendly proposal for your company, where our average clients report, with our financial plan suggestions:


A 2X improvement in the finances of our client's finances in just one month(*) 

A Financial Plan for your Top workers

Will provide significant benefits: 


Attract and retain talent

Financial stability provides more more committed teams.


Your Employee's Financial Health

4 out of 5 employees are financially stressed, affecting their productivity.


Low cost

Quick implementation at low costs, without risks for the company.


Incentive performance

A differentiating benefit like the one provided by large corporations.

A highly personalized service with a Top-rated Financial Planner

Alonso Rodriguez Segarra is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional with over 20 years of experience and will conduct the Financial Plan for your employees via Zoom.

Investopedia has ranked Alonso among the USA's Top 100 Most Influential Financial Advisors.

He has been featured in financial publications such as Yahoo Finance, Barron's, MarketWatch, Investment News, and MSN. 

A fiduciary Fee-Only advisor, proficient in providing his services in both English and Spanish languages.

Value Proposal for Your Business

Advise Financial Planning Empowerment, is a package with 5 financial plans, which should be used by the employees you designate within 6 months. Being a highly personalized service, our monthly availability is subject to review according to your requirements.

Each Employee's Financial Plan will include the following aspects:


Each package with 5 plans has a value of $ 7,500; for clients who hire our services in the next three months until April 2024, they will receive an additional bonus:

Tax Planning analysis to identify improvement areas.

Social Security Strategy


We have a service guarantee if we do not manage to create more value on average than the fee you have paid us for each plan, we will give you an additional plan to be used by another employee.


The company can request additional packages in multiples of 5 financial plans, subject to availability.

How does the Financial Planning Empowerment work?


The Company and Advise Financial

We need to determine how many financial plans your company requires for your employees to use within six months.


The employee and Advise Financial

The company designates which employees can access the service. The employee books a meeting to start their personalized plans.


A Motivated Employee

The employee's financial information is kept confidential. Two one-hour sessions are conducted over Zoom to develop a personalized financial plan, which is then delivered in writing with actionable steps.

The company manages to have an employee with optimized finances, a clear financial destiny, and more motivation.

FAQ about this innovative benefit for your workers

Frequent questions:

1Are there any requirements to participate?
Your business should have at least 20 employees who earn over $90,000 a year.
2 What happens if, after 6 months, we decide not to continue?
After 6 months, if you want to stop, you do not have to invest in purchasing a new package.
3Would this add another responsibility or process for my company?
Each plan has a direct agreement between Advise and the employee, so the responsibility falls on Advise, and we do the entire process on our behalf.
4What if my employees already have a financial advisor?
It is always wise to seek a second opinion. Our services complement those of the client's financial advisor, as we concentrate on creating a comprehensive financial plan rather than merely promoting investment portfolio management. We do not sell financial products.
5What if employees feel that the financial plan does not add value?
Our company provides a service guarantee that ensures that the value of financial suggestions provided will cover the plan fee of $1,500 per plan. However, if we cannot cover this fee with our advice, we will give you one new plan for free. If this happens to 50% of the employees who take our 6-month package, we will refund your money.

For more information, please schedule an appointment with us without obligation.

We transform your employees finances to transform your Business

Empowerment for Your Team